Scary Things
The Ultimate Fear of God

Harness Your Fear and Let It Motivate You
Traditionally "The Fear of the Lord" is understood as respect. I believe it
has a deeper meaning, a meaning that helps us deal with fear. Why should God
create a world in which there are things to fear? Because fear is a necessary
motivator. It is the compliment of the Glory of God. For the finest experience
we place ourselves Between The Fear and The Glory of God. Master
your fear, be in peace, and turn to the Glory. In such
a state our spirit is roused to a passion. The power of passion is sufficient to
transcend our condition. How much do you live? It depends on your motivator and
your goals. There will come a time when humanity will be faced with the ultimate
fear and glory, and we will turn to the glory. "The city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to
shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light
thereof." (Revelation 21:23) When we learn to love perfectly fear falls
away; There is no fear in love: "True love has no room for fear, because where
fear is, there is pain; and he who is not free from fear is not complete in
love." 1 John 4:18
A fundamentalist will quickly say that the efforts of man to save himself
with gadgets and tools will bring on the antichrist. This is true. In accordance
with Christian doctrine there must be an appearance of the antichrist.
I think the Antichrist is the very worst of man empowered by the very best
technology. Any technology has its peaceful and destructive aspects and is always applied in
both spirits. Remember the atomic bomb and nuclear power. With the mind
expanding technologies of the future there is the potential for very good and
very bad. Christ and the Antichrist will fully manifest. Our mind has the
potential to commune via electromagnetic frequencies with all sorts of
mechanical interfaces and sensing devices. Our governments knows that
we can apply this to the battlefield. DARPA put out a call for papers and proposals
several years ago. What happened? Did this also go underground? Their intention
is to train and equip soldiers to take mind control of a battlefield. Once this
is started, a new type of arms race is on to develop and implement the most
advanced systems. This will lead to super-intelligent aggressors and defenders.
Remember your history; atomic fission was discovered in 1939.
In secrecy the
BOMB was developed and used only 6 years later. We were motivated then by the fear of an axis
country getting this terrible weapon before we did. Apply the same logic to
brain interfacing technology and it is a slippery slope down to Armageddon. With
evolving brain interfaces super intelligent aggressors will hyperevolve into
what you know as the Antichrist. But in the Holy Spirit, the Christian Transhumanist will harness the
fear that comes from powerful brain interface
technologies and use this same technology to transcend the world.
Dr Alex Alaniz writes a
credible essay on the challenges that face our society:
An essay concerning law, social
identity, inequality, conflict, crime, warfare and economic reality at the cusp
of humanity’s entry into post-corporeal, post-Darwinian evolution
Alex Alaniz, M.S., Ph.D.
4925 S. Sol
Los Alamos, NM 87544
(505) 661-3313
Biography—MS mathematician, Ph.D.
particle physicist working at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Former Air Force
Weapons Laboratory officer. Private Pilot. Former financial/econometrics
physicist. Former protein folding physicist.
An essay concerning law, social
identity, inequality, conflict, crime, warfare and economic reality at the cusp
of humanity’s entry into post-corporeal, post-Darwinian evolution
Introduction—Humanity’s entry into
the post-Darwinian era
A draft of the human genome was
released in the journal Nature in 2001 [1]. Today, the technology to sequence a
human genome from scratch is being reduced to smallish, so-called biochips by
companies like Affymetrix. In addition to finding their way into your doctor’s
office in the not-too-distant future, such biochips are currently being used
with other advanced technologies to study how our DNA circuitry works in
real-time [2], as well as to compare how the circuitry changes from youth to old
age [3]. Genome therapies, moreover, are currently working their way thru
clinical trials, and are about to be performed on the unborn [4]. We have
developed genetically modified foods, and have mixed monkeys with jelly fish [5]
to name but a few examples of our growing prowess to treat genetic codes as so
much software. Humanity, thus, for better or for worse, has entered the era of
post-Darwinian evolution, and it will not be long before we begin tinkering with
ways to extend our lives and augment our capabilities. Even more profoundly, it
is not too far-fetched to imagine humanity entering a post-corporeal as well as
a post-Darwinian era. Consider the recent development of neuroelectronic systems
in particular [6] and the current clinical work to build direct brain/machine
interfaces for paraplegics and quadriplegics [7]. The FDA has, in fact,
recently granted approval to allow Cyberkinetics to begin a clinical trial in
which small chips will be placed beneath the skulls of paraplegic patients to
control computers by thought alone. Further down the line there are ongoing
efforts to build brain chips to replace Alzheimer and stroke damaged brain
tissue in general by Dr. Berger and colleagues at the University of Southern
California in Los Angeles.
Given the above developments and
humanity’s propensity for seeking out competitive advantages, it is likely that
in the not-too-distant future people will seek out elective, post-Darwinian
brain augmentation procedures, and that new kinds of social conflict will
arise. In other words, we should be expecting profound changes in social
identity, inequality, conflict, crime, warfare, economic and legal reality to
come to pass in the not-too-distant future. To this end, many people, several
organizations and even the United States government are already beginning to
address some of the issues of a post-Darwinian, post-corporeal future. The
United States, for instance, under the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant
CTS-0128860 cosponsored a large, extensive study entitled, “Converging
technologies for improving human performance: nanotechnology, biotechnology,
information technology and cognitive science.” Additionally, in this case with
the support of the Commerce Department, the Converging Technologies Bar
Association (CTBA) was recently launched in New York. Please refer to the CTBA
Also recently, Professor George Khushf and several colleagues of the University
of South Carolina won a 1.35 million dollar grant from the National Science
Foundation (NSF) to study the societal impact of nanotech and related trends
such as nano, bio, info and cognitive technology convergence.
This essay will address some of the legal, social, and economic issues of a
post-Darwinian future, pose many questions, and try to make the case that now is
the time for active discussion regarding the development of legal and economic
means to greatly reduce—if not altogether prevent—the dangers and pitfalls of
the real future shock about to befall all of us, namely, our entry into a
post-Darwinian evolutionary era. It will also touch on the possible natures and
physical restrictions constraining a post-Darwinian evolution, and discuss our
likely motivations for entry into a post-corporeal era, along with the possible
attendant social and economic consequences, such as the possibility of the
richest rich, as post corporeal beings, so rapidly consuming the world’s
resources, the poorest poor are starved out of existence. It will conclude with
a call for simulations of the world in the not-too-distant future along the
lines of the popular game SimCity.
1. Post-Darwinian, post-corporeal scenarios
On the good side of the
post-Darwinian, post-corporeal brain augmentation era, we can imagine that
attorneys and medical doctors, for instance, would find it useful to store all
case law and case histories, respectfully, for ready reference inside
sophisticated cranial silico-bio-implants. Armies of financial analysts would
find it advantageous to have all real-time data streams piped wirelessly into
their heads along with all global news feeds. The flood of information would
then be filtered and processed in real time by powerful data crunching
neuroimplants to extract exploitable patterns in the less than efficient real
world financial markets. The same could be said for soldiers, meteorologists,
public health officials, and so on, all to humanity’s better good, but there is
also a more deleterious side to the technology to consider. Imagine, say, an
aggressive financial analyst who, without scruple, would hack into the mental
resources of one of his coworkers to steal information, plant a debilitating
electronic virus, or even more maliciously, plant a deadly electronic virus that
not only kills its intended victim, but, because of an unintended mutation in
the wild, ultimately extinguishes humanity. On a larger scale, consider the
neuro-embedded spying, mind control, even population control which, enabled by
the mass production and mass use of neuroimplants, may be pursued by
governments, or by terrorist groups, or even by a powerful, individual
industrialist in the business of supplying neuroimplants.
2. Viruses
Given today’s electronic viral
instabilities and their ever increasing number and pace, it seems foregone to
conclude that if/when humanity begins wide scale use of neuroimplants, the
electronic virus problem will grow far worse and far more personal. A brain
surgeon for instance, using a neural implant chip to better navigate his
telerobotic arm around an MRI-based three-dimensional projection of some lesion
might, being infected by some teenager’s electronic virus, snip a wrong section
of tissue. Would his or her medical practice insurance cover electronic virus
liability? What would be the legal standards required to prove that the severity
of the electronic infection was the cause of the error versus the probability of
it having been caused by a simple, old fashioned mistake? Would the manufacturer
of the neurochip be fair game for a lawsuit, the claim being the manufacturer
supplied insufficient or faulty virus protection in its product? Would the
neurosurgeon who implanted the chip into the neurosurgeon who snipped the wrong
section be sued as well? Where would the liability chain stop? Perhaps instead,
either in anticipation, or, more likely, after too much damage has been done,
lawmakers might require surgeons (and all other high stakes professionals) to
undergo industry regulated virus scans before performing their specialties, cap
legal damages, and cut the chain of liability to go no further than the
producers of virus scanners. Perhaps lawmakers would relegate the ultimate
responsibility of virus scanning to the appropriate government bodies only, say,
the Federal Aviation Administration for scanning pilots, and similarly.
3. Cheating
As touched upon in the introduction,
a financial analyst, say, with freshly augmented state-of-the-art
neuro-implanted capabilities, such as wireless connections to the internet, and
new powerful number crunching functions, and so forth, might try to hack in a
competitor’s mind, via his competitor’s own older, lesser capable neuroimplants.
What combination of legal deterrents would it take to discourage such behavior
before it occurs, and what kind of policing methods would it take to enforce
anti-hacking laws and/or to detect hacking crimes after the fact? How would the
degrees of the severity of the hacking crime be defined, and, for that matter,
what legal elements would have to be proved in a hacking case? Moreover, what
types of sentencing guidelines should lawmakers set, and would the victim
financial analyst and his or her company be subject to legal action from
financially hurt clients for not having used the latest neuroimplant and virus
scanning technologies?
4. Murder
Through many a Hollywood film, we have been
presented with the idea that the internet may be used as an instrument to
produce mass murder, e.g., the use of the internet to change airport approach
patterns resulting in crashed airplanes for instance. Along this line, future
heart rhythm defibrillators, like today’s more expensive automobiles, will
likely come built with wireless internet connectivity capabilities to be used to
report impending problems to patients and doctors, and even to enable temporary
adjustments to be made under more dire circumstances. What is to prevent someone
wishing to collect his or her inheritance sooner than later from attempting to
kill his or her wealthy, defibrillator using benefactor? Again a whole host of
attendant legal and technological questions follow.
5. Post-Darwinian, post-corporeal evolution and
ultimate winners
The issues such as those discussed above, and their
innumerable variations, have been predicated on human beings remaining, except
for their neural implants, essentially as human as our species is today, circa
2004. I, however, very much doubt that once the neuro implant game begins,
humanity will remain corporeal for very long afterwards. Research work going
back more than a decade and reported in important, peer reviewed journals has
demonstrated the joining of neuronal nets with electronics via impaled
microelectrodes [8, 9, 10]. More recent research being conducted at the
prestigious Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry has reported in Physical
Review Letters successful, direct, noninvasive coupling of a silicon chip with
the basic element of neuronal learning via electric fields [6]. Along these
lines, Dr. Berger at the University of Southern California is attempting to
develop a hippocampus brain prosthesis chip for Alzheimer’s disease. Given all
this work, I can imagine the eventual development of hybrid
silico-bacterial-nanobots designed to directly couple with a person’s brain
tissue to (1) absorb and archive all the person’s knowledge in situ, (2) augment
the person’s mental capabilities in situ, and (3) connect the person’s mind to
the wireless internet. Such a person, much as we are oblivious of which brain
cells drive our conscious thought, would, through his or her lifetime, remain
oblivious that his or her brain cells, dying of old age, are being replaced by
more robust, faster bio-silico replacements. He or she may even remain unaware
that parts of his or her consciousness may begin to reside inside wirelessly
linked extra-corporeal servers, which I dub IQ mindspace servers. With our frail
human bodies being so susceptible to damage from bacterial and viral infections,
cancers and accidents, why wouldn’t the natural progression to humanity’s use of
neuroimplant technology be to embed itself directly into more robust, redundant
IQ mindspace nano/bio-electronic/spintronic-based server farms spanning the
Earth in bunkers, or orbiting it, or on the Moon, or beyond. In such an evolved
post-Darwinian, post-corporeal world, all necessary interaction with the
corporeal world to dig for energy resources, manufacture power plants, produce
goods, run laboratories, explore the solar system, etc., could then be done
telerobotically using (bio)robots ranging in size from the nano scale and
upwards. Clearly, this path, should we take it, will spell the end of evolution
by passive natural selection far more rapidly than our current post-genomic
tinkering is already doing so. Lifespan lengths will then be indefinite, and
humanity, moreover, will have entered the post-Darwinian, post-corporeal
evolutionary phase.
5.1 Micro scale conflict, zombies and “unMurder”
In such a post-Darwinian, post-corporeal world, on
a smallish, micro scale, a financial analyst might rather infiltrate, overwhelm
and ultimately control a competitor’s very IQ mindspace’s will, making the
victim an overpowered lackey—read zombie—with the victim’s cohorts, family and
friends remaining none-the-wiser throughout some indefinite period. Would it
seem reasonable to conclude that the victim would thus be rendered nonexistent,
or should he or she be considered murdered and dead? Might it not be possible,
the perpetrator having saved his victim’s mental assets in some kind of static
memory device, that such a murder could be undone? For the undoing of such type
of murder, more akin to a coma, would one have to demonstrate to the court by a
preponderance of evidence, from family members, friends and associates, under an
extensive psychological examination process, that, more likely than not, the
victim’s characteristics have been restored wholly and with little or no
significant corruption? Could spouses claim rape? Could employers claim
sabotage? Finally, if the victim could not be legally proven to be unmurdered,
would the “entity” remaining behind, unless family or friends took him or her
in, be left out in the cold, having no access to any of his or her prior
possessions or privileges. In such cases, would it be the government’s
responsibility to take care of the hapless victims?
5.2 Macro scale conflict and ultimate winners
On a larger, macro scale, the issues of a
post-Darwinian, post-corporeal world of competition and conflict would likely
acquire a far more ominous tenor. Let us assume that business works as usual,
and that the more money one has, the more one could and would use it to augment
one’s own brain. Then an empire builder such as Mr. Bill Gates, whose wealth
exceeds the first billion or so poorest people, now becoming blessed with an
indefinite cyber-based lifespan and controlling an army of employees, agents, as
well as an army of semi-autonomous robots could come to dwarf humanity in a way
the mortals Khan, Napoleon, Hitler, or Stalin never could. A post corporeal Mr.
Bill Gates, occupying one of the world’s largest IQ mindspace server farms,
could in principle be running in the background all manner of (bio-molecular
manufacturing based) factories, laboratories, fossil fuel extraction operations,
and conventional, nuclear, solar or other types of unconventional power plants,
with all of these facilities being manned by an army of semiautonomous robots
ranging in size from the nano to the macro scale under his direct control,
whilst he simultaneously occupies himself with manifold other activities.
Moreover, unless he is either forced by some form of economic and/or legal
system, or is philanthropically inclined, there is no fundamental reason why he
should have to share his advancements with the remainder of humanity. Instead,
he would rather likely not share his scientific and technological advancements
for fear of giving any advantage to any potential, or real rivals of his own
class. The richest rich will thus likely leave the poorer classes commensurately
scientifically and technologically behind at an ever increasing pace, and this
leads to two worst sub cases for the poorer classes, each of which could spell
the end of humanity, save for a few ultimate winners, or even one ultimate
Let me explain what I mean by the phrase one
ultimate winner. Let us suppose that we are in that period when the human race
is transforming itself into an advanced post-corporeal IQ mindspace society
which, for technical and/or economical reasons, remains bound to Earth. To
continue to exist, the society must continue to consume resources to extract and
use useful energy, with the supply of useful energy being restricted to what can
be extracted from the Earth, the moon thru tidal power or lithium mining, and
captured from the Sun. These energy constraints, then, would be the physical
constraints restricting the initial post-Darwinian, post-corporeal evolution.
Let us consider the worst case. Even if it is the
case that the available supplies of energy, and the ability to exploit them with
advanced technologies, are, by our present (corporeal) standards, illimitable,
there is no apriori requirement that the transformation of humanity into IQ
mindspace resources be done so equally or equitably according to current moral
standards. At present, the poorest man and the wealthiest man cannot personally
consume a significantly disparate amount of food and water on a day-to-day
basis. But the wealthiest man, if his wealth be proportionately converted into
IQ mindspace server capabilities (to store vast libraries of knowledge and
acquire massive amounts of computational power to simulate market behavior,
develop even more advanced technologies, and so forth) would dwarf the energy
usage of the poorest man (reduced to a small IQ mindspace server if at all) by
many orders of magnitude. Then, in much the same way that Earth’s current, most
advanced species is using increasingly greater planetary resources at an ever
accelerating pace—because its science and technology are accelerating at an ever
increasing pace—extinction of the less advanced beings of the future will happen
at an accelerating pace in proportion to the rate at which their resources get
usurped. That is, the richest rich, by rapidly outpacing the science and
technology of the rest of humanity, will rapidly come to consume so much of the
energy from the Earth, the Moon and the Sun, to the maximum rate physics allows,
that the poorer (lower IQ mindspace) classes will literally be starved out of
existence. Then, ultimately, after the sun is no longer useful, the richest rich
will either migrate elsewhere in the galaxy, or, should it be the case that for
physical reasons interstellar space travel never becomes practicable, the
richest rich too will die out when the Sun can no longer be tenably exploited,
and the human story ends.
Two notes to the worst case:
(1) Regarding the world’s poorest
people being converted into IQ mindspace entities, I wrote above that it might
not happen at all to cast doubt that the conversion would necessarily happen to
all of us. Not many of today’s billion poorest can readily buy a low-end
personal computer, let alone a massive supercomputer server farm. Thus it may be
the case that a large fraction of humanity may be dropped off the evolutionary
tree, but, as explained in the preceding paragraph, this is not to say that the
situation for most of the remainder of humanity, from those with enough assets
to purchase entry level IQ mindspace servers up to, but not including the
richest rich, is any less dire. As has been argued above, we could all of us, en
masse, be starved out.
(2) Nothing so far expressed, including physical
limitations, fundamentally precludes the eruption of IQ mindspace class warfare,
and the possibility that only one future being might, by quashing out all other
life (either directly or by passively starving the rest out) become the ultimate
winner of Earth’s four billion year old evolutionary competition, except perhaps
the speed of light. It may be the case that the Earth is simply too big (light
taking about 0.064 seconds to travel half way around its circumference) to allow
a single being to maintain coherence between distant parts of itself, especially
if the situation is very fluid. The larger dinosaurs for instance, with long
distances between their brains and tails, and slowly traveling nerve signals,
likely found it very disadvantageous to only eventually feel their tails being
bitten by some rival. Thus, instead of there being one ultimate Darwinian winner
dominating the Earth, it may be the case that there will be a multitude of such
grand winners, with the “size” of the area of their control being limited to the
longest reaction times that still allow them to maintain coherence across their
largest dimension within a fluid, competitive environment.
Given the latter case, namely, a population of
grand winners, many more complex questions would arise. Among the first
questions would concern population dynamics. Would there be tens of grand
winners, or thousands, or even larger numbers of winners? Would they reproduce?
It seems logical to believe that electronic/quantum computing beings would find
sexual or asexual reproduction simple to do, and the process would likely
consume little time. Among the winners and their progeny, we might then ask what
kind of predator/prey dynamics would prevail. Control and coherence of the
society, moreover, would also become an issue as the society spread out further
from Earth, first reaching the moon and nearby planets, then venturing further
out yet. Two great sources for further reading regarding many possible futures
of post corporeal and arbitrarily advance life, each providing many references,
are, respectively, Barrow and Tippler [11] and Kurzweil [12].
6. A Different post-Darwinian future—A better case
It is well researched and documented that
collections of people working together on a common problem make better
collective decisions the majority of the time than individuals themselves do
[13]. Perhaps, if it cannot not be rigorously proved by iron clad mathematical
argument, it can at least be reasonably demonstrated through various game
theoretic studies that the net value of humanity would rise faster in a post
corporeal world wherein everyone is allowed to continue to exist in peace, and
no one person (or small group of persons) is allowed to dominate the world
through unrestricted, electronic post-Darwinian, post-corporeal warfare. Such a
demonstration would then provide humanity with a rational motivation for a
smooth, controlled, legally regulated, economically constrained transition to
post corporeal life. Yet even if the opposite were true according to theoretical
modeling—that, in other words, the net value of humanity would grow more rapidly
with unrestricted Darwinian warfare being allowed—I can imagine that very few
people would willingly give up their existence for some mathematically
demonstrable greater, but abstract good. Thus, there will either be a powerful
and rational reason, or a powerful, self-preservation-based motivation to seek
out a controlled, policy-based transition to post-corporeal life. Two
simplistic, first order cases come to mind.
Sub case I: Individuals are not allowed to transfer
themselves to superior IQ mindspace servers. Everyone will share equally the
fruits of all scientific and technical advances.
Sub case II: Individuals may transfer themselves to
IQ mindspace servers with capacities/capabilities commensurate to their wealth.
However, most economic relationships existing prior to the post corporeal
transformation will remain intact. Mr. Bill Gates will be required to keep his
secretary. His secretary however, no longer a corporeal being, will not be
required to use the services of a dentist. Dentists will have to find some new
role in the post-corporeal world. Again, everyone will share equally the fruits
of all scientific and technical advances. This post-corporeal transition will
cause economic displacements much like the industrial revolution did. Certain
elements of the workforce, as weavers and gun makers were once obviated by
machines, will too be obviated, but novel opportunities will likely arise if
history is any guide.
Any such physical limits as those expressed above,
designed to prevent a single, singular winner (or smallish group of winners)
from ultimately usurping all resources would likely then lead to new kinds of
legal and economic systems also with novel predator/prey resource relationships
quite apart from those of today and yesteryear, or they might lead to a strange
admixture of old and new systems.
7. Conclusions and future work
Currently, we are in a period when our sciences and
technologies are rapidly fusing together such that an advancement in one field
rapidly parlays itself into advances in other fields. Consider as an instance
the advancement of DNA biology in part leading to DNA computation, and
conversely, the use of advanced robotics, powerful computers, and advanced
computational algorithms to decipher our DNA-based genome. It follows then,
unless there are limitations we have yet to run into, that the greater our
scientific and technological capabilities become, the increasingly faster we
develop even more advanced scientific and technological capabilities, including
those which enable our fusion with our technologies. Certainly there can be no
denying that we have steadfastly, and in my opinion, ineluctably, entered a
post-Darwinian era which may rapidly, within a few decades, go post-corporeal.
Accordingly, as is the case with the United States Social Security, and its
aging population base, we are beginning to face unprecedented social, legal,
economic, and political ramifications which need to be addressed now, before all
hell breaks loose. If Darwinian evolution is about biological systems exploiting
every possible, physically allowed niche and propagating the most fit specimens
through natural, passive selection, without moral, man-made considerations,
there is no fundamental reason post-Darwinian evolution—with or without a
post-corporeal transformation—should, apart from involving active selection, be
in any way less indifferent to us, unless we make it so. We need to begin to
study these impending possibilities now. Thus again, now—before it is too late
and only one, or a few winners walk the Earth—is when we should be asking what
means the remainder of us poorer people might use to avoid our passing away into
the dying of the light. To this end, I believe it would be not only interesting,
but also of the utmost importance, to not only begin to simulate the social,
legal, economic predator/prey systems imagined above under various physical
limitations, but many more situations so that we may begin to ferret out those
solutions we can all of us be reasonably happy with during our post-Darwinian
and/or post-corporeal transformation. Perhaps a good beginning would be the use
of games such as SimCity, modified to play out various post-Darwinian,
post-corporeal scenarios, e.g., stock broker versus stock broker, etc. Along
these lines, Professor Ian Lustick at the University of Pennsylvania, for
instance, is modeling the social structure of Pakistan with a Sims-like game.
Someone out there should seek grant money to do the same thing for
post-Darwinian, post-corporeal societies.
[1] The International Human Genome Sequencing
Consortium (IHGSC) , “A Physical Map of the Humane Genome”, Nature 409, 934 -
941 (2001)
Duggan, D. J., M. Bittner, Y. Chen, P. Meltzer and
J. M. Trent. 1999. Expression profiling using cDNA microarrays. Nature Genetics
[3] Ly et. al., “Mitotic
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[4] BBC
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[5] A.
W. S. Chan, K. Y. Chong, C. Martinovich, C. Simerly, G. Schatten, "Transgenic
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291, pp. 309-312 (January 12, 2001).
[6] R.
A. Kaul, N. I. Syed, and P. Fromherz, “Neuron-Semiconductor Chip with Chemical
Synapse between Identified Neurons”, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 92, No. 3,
Jan. 2004.
[7] Duke Med News, “Human
Studies Show Feasibility of Brain-Machine Interfaces,”
23 March 2004,
[8] D. Kleinfeld, F. Raccuia-Behling, and H.J.
Chiel, Biophys. J. 57, 697, 1990
[9] Y.
Yarom, Neuroscience 44, 263, (1991)
[10] A.
A. Sharp et al., J. Neurophysiol. 69, 992 (1993)
[11] J. D. Barrow and F. J. Tippler, “The Anthropic Cosmological Principle”,
Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, 1986
[12] R. Kurzweil, “The Age Of The
Spiritual Machine”, Viking, Penguin Group, Penguin Putman Books, Ltd., 275
Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A., 1999
[13] Heiner R. A., “The Collective Decision Problem, and the Theory of
Preference”, Economic Inquiry, 1981, vol. 19, issue 2, pages 297-332
Thank you Dr Alaniz for letting me post your essay. I believe that the
Christian Meme, and an integrated Perennial Philosophy will
carry us through these challenges.
"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the
heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with
fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons
ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting
unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be
dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we,
according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
righteousness." (2 Peter 3:10)
Scientific American March 2005; "If the acceleration (of our expanding universe) itself
increased, it could eventually grow strong enough to tear apart all structures,
leading to a “big rip.” Nothing in the material universe can survive this.
"Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his
judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and
the fountains of waters. And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is
fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the
wine of the wrath of her fornication. And the third angel followed them, saying
with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his
mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the
wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his
indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence
of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their
torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who
worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of
God, and the faith of Jesus." (Revelation 14:7)
Love rules and ignorance dies. Just like the movies, good will win in the end. The same technology is
available to loving individuals. This technology is better adapted to the love
process. We will focus the motivating energy into the passion necessary for
transcendence. The Antichrist will likely emerge but so will Christ. This becomes a sign that Christian Transhumanism is the way.
Here is my advice: Use The Love Process now and forever. Here is
the love process again; Technically, love can be seen as the process of
connecting. The product of the love process is understanding. If the process is
efficient and sustained, understanding increases exponentially. Peace
allows unwavering attention so that the love process can establish a clear
connection. At the heart of the process; symbols, words, and feelings are
ordered into meaning. But meaning is not static, it grows forever. Forgiveness
is important to spiritual growth because it establishes an exhaust for
misunderstanding and disorder. Put this all together and you have The Perfect State of Mind. With
these principles we will build the New Temple; a society of loving individuals.
Anything that empowers the Love process has the blessing of God. You can do no wrong when
the spirit of love, the Holy Spirit is with you. And, It is said; "If
you are trying to save your life for any other reason than love, you will lose
it." There is one way to life and truth. This wisdom is eternal. It takes
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